Hi! I have finished one of my strongest works to date. The dragon, whose name is Shenron, is part of the scene that I prepared. The entire description of the work can be viewed at my Artstation, link: (https://www.artstation.com/artwork/B30vdl).
UPDATE Now you can purchase the model along with the project: https://artstn.co/m/oBDnl https://artstn.co/m/8yPDw
And also, this is the beginning of my collection of nft tokens, a link to the Foundation page:(https://foundation.app/collection/dandt?ref=0x8A862aDa6d54D797c0D4EB481382Cf80f9dd5608).
More animations: https://youtu.be/YIAJAuZX5JQ https://youtu.be/GTupmR6_okY I hope for the support of the community, I spent a month and a half to create the final animation, which can be viewed on Artstation. There is a lot of material, and the animation of the dragon, and the animation of the tyan named Selia. Good mood to you all!