Why is the topology damn near the *exact* same as Djordr's Skeleton model? Like the only difference I'm seeing in the wireframe view is the lower jaw... Seriously appears to be the same model, even the eye sockets...
Hi there! I'm an indie game developer and working on my first game since 2015. I downloaded one or some of your Available models for my game. BTW I may not use it at all but I will mention the name of the creator and the source of all downloaded assets that I downloaded for my project. If you are not happy to be mention in the credits list (if your model is not used) pls let me know to edit my list in the game. Thanks for everything...
@khconector what game you Made?
@MehrojS 8973 clifford rd. Waxford, Tenesse. Stop by!
Why is the topology damn near the *exact* same as Djordr's Skeleton model? Like the only difference I'm seeing in the wireframe view is the lower jaw... Seriously appears to be the same model, even the eye sockets...
Hi there! I'm an indie game developer and working on my first game since 2015. I downloaded one or some of your Available models for my game. BTW I may not use it at all but I will mention the name of the creator and the source of all downloaded assets that I downloaded for my project. If you are not happy to be mention in the credits list (if your model is not used) pls let me know to edit my list in the game. Thanks for everything...
Great! Thank you!
Im making Fnaf Tapes Tonight
Thank you!
I will try use this in my first game.
@PakoSketch What is your address?
интересные модельки и полезные очень вам благодарен за ваш труд
@PakoSketch is it rigged
The fact that its slightly simplified makes it superusefull for anatomy studies, thanks man!!
Nice man
Excellent work