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More model informationFrom the Asian Art Museum, San Francisco:
- Place of Origin: Pakistan, Peshawar valley, ancient region of Gandhara
- Date: approx. 200-350
- Materials: Stone (schist) with traces of gilding
- Dimensions: H. 25 1/2 in x W. 11 1/2 in x D. 6 in, H. 64.8 cm x W. 29.2 cm x D. 15.2 cm
This sculpture would have been placed in a Buddhist shrine or along the walls of some other religious structure. The right hand, now missing, was probably held upward, palm out, in the gesture of reassurance.
When British archaeologists became aware of the Buddhist remains in Gandhara during the 1800s, they were excited to find images that suggested, through their toga-like drapery and figural treatment, connections with ancient Greco-Roman art.$0040:10756