READ DESC -This model is broken, contact me for the real model, or access the link below.
This is a 3D model made from scratch of the Starkiller Endor Suit from the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed games. This model broke while uploading to SketchFab, so if you are interested in the original rigged model, feel free to contact me since it’s for sale.
By buying the original unbroken model, you are free to create art renders and mods from it, and modify it at your will for said things.
You are not allowed to reupload the model itself without contacting me first.
Click here to check out the model
There is a mix of 2k and 4k textures.
500k Tris, but the model is not triangulated, allowing for further unsubdivision or topology optimization.
Rigged with a simple skeleton. (Based on VRChat)