Iconic pieces of Od Kingdom Egyptian art in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo (nos. CG 3, 4), these two statues are of the Rahotep and his wife Nofret. They are painted limestone with very life-like quartz and rock crystal eyes. The statues were discoverd in the mastaba tomb of Rahotep at Meidum, Egypt in 1871 by the excavations of August Mariette.
The inscriptions to the right and left of Rahotep give his name and titles. He is described as the “king’s son of his body, Rahotep” and the general of the armies and overseer of works, among other titles. It is thought that Rahotep is the son of King Sneferu near who’s pyramid he is buried.
The inscriptions on the statue of Nofret are the same on both sides and give her name and a title “King’s Acquaintance.”
Created from 159 photographs (Canon EOS Rebel T7i) using Metashape 1.5.5, Meshmixer 3.5 (for mesh clean up) and Blender3D 2.8 (for minor texture clean up). Photographed in Cairo in October 2019. Models are scaled to real world dimensions in mm.
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