This excavation occurred on the northeast corner of Sector Y, which we refer to as Structure Y2/2. The objective was to examine the corner of Avenue F and 4th Street at Nixtun-Ch’ich’. This image depicts the northern portion of the excavation block (the southern portion did not render properly). In addition to this excavation block, we excavated across Ave F and 4th Street.
Pugh, Timothy W. 2019 From the Streets: Public and Private Space in an Early Maya City. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 26(3):967–997.
Rice, Prudence M., Timothy W. Pugh, and Evelyn M. Chan Nieto 2019 Early Construction of a Maya Sacred Landscape: The Sector Y “E-Group” of Nixtun-Ch’ich’ (Petén, Guatemala). Journal of Field Archaeology 44(8):550-564.
Early use of photogrammetry by Proyecto Itza, Agisoft (2018) Photos: Chan Photogrammetry: Pugh