strange prototype railgun with an otherworldly design, combining parts from a modified Laser Rifle, a lightweight Fat Man frame, and a fusion core-powered alien gyro. Red crystals replace the usual rifle lights, and a mysterious hammer-like object is embedded in the barrel. Despite the fusion cores, the weapon seems to be powered entirely by the alien core, almost as if by magic. So yeah that’s it that’s I’m sorry for not uploading for quite a while guys. I should just felt burnt out and out of ideas and other things I wanna do except 3d modeling but yeah that the elder scrolls and fallout sort of share the same universe. It’s an old theory, but in a weird one, but come on let’s have some fun
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- warhammer
- rifle
- scope
- fun
- post-apocalyptic
- crystals
- oblivion
- modding
- fatman
- railgun
- skyrim
- sniper
- lord
- maul
- op
- morrowind
- biggun
- theory
- crossover
- fanstasy
- lear
- fallout3
- falloutnewvegas
- dwemer
- elderscrolls
- fallout4
- message
- lore
- lasercannon
- imback
- fallout2
- falloutnv
- freetouse
- fallout76
- oldworldblues
- fallout
- sunder
- kagrenac
- bigmt
- engeryweapon
- fallouttvshow
- meshbash