Triangles: 27.2k
Vertices: 15.7k
More model information[Zip File]
Mesh Information:
- Subdivision-ready model
- Subdivision 0: 3402 faces, 6804 tris
- Subdivision 1: 13608 faces, 27216 tris
- World scale (cm): 47 height x 27.5 x 32.9
- UV unwrapped
- UV overlapping
Texture Information:
- Texture size: 2048x2048, 4096x4096
- BaseColor
- Roughness
- Normal OpenGL and DirectX
- Translucency
- Opacity
- PNG format
Blender File Information:
- Curve modifier: modify sunflower stem curvature
Formats include:
- .obj
- .fbx
- .blend
Render: Blender 3.4.1 Cycles
HDRI from:
~ If you have questions or problems, please feel free to contact me.
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