“An absolute colossus of a machine, piloted by graduates of the Ves’oni’Vash, the KV128 Stormsurge is designed as an extreme heavy-weapons platform. Not as manoeuvrable as a Riptide, instead relying on thick armour and devastating loadouts, these hulking, squat ballistic suits are capable of changing the course of a battle in seconds with a decisive volley of astonishing firepower. Fitted with thrusters to counter recoil, bristling with pulse weaponry and missile pods, the Stormsurge is the T’au Empire’s Titan-killer.” -https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/KV128-Stormsurgehttps://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/KV128-Stormsurge
This Stormsurge comes with two missile pod assemblies, a pulse driver cannon and two twin airbust frag projectors!
I tried to match the original art as close as possible, some details have been ommitted though because this was made for an oldschool low-poly game engine.
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CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
this community is awesome. from the amount of downloads i am making i will run out of space
Has anyone made this into an FDM printable yet?
The actual version fo riptide. I don't symmytrize its because this need for compare-to between detailed and simple shapes
@3danil Very nice breakdown, good work! Yeah indeed finding proper reference with the proper perspective is pretty much the hardest part. Bad or insufficient artwork will yield meshes, that are out of proportion :/. In this case I totally forego blocking since I was making the meshes via splines on the GW blister parts. However the blocking gives you a rough idea where parts must go and how big they should be, which I didn't do
. When I noticed the out-of-shape meshes it was too late >_<.
Hi, you must see this, It's my WIP breakdown of riptide
@GrOrc If you say so.
Beethoven was deaf btw. ;)
@apothecarykekoulis A song without a head? It's impossible. ;)
@apothecarykekoulis No offensive. We want to give you a portion healty criticism to make you better.
That's tutorial in Russian but you need just turn on subtitles. This guy has work on Love Death and Robots by netflix! He is reaaaaally know what he talking about.
Hi there. You just should watch this video. This is turned upside down my modeling process.
First you need establish an silhouette, then big and middle form and after that you can add even more small details to make model more complex.
All modeling process sits on this stages:
1)Blocking, this is the most important process of modeling, you're analysing mass and proportions of silhouette on this stage
2) Draft you're go to big forms, you're make model without any detail that doesn't affect on silhouette
3) Detailing pass - middle details
4) Detailing pass - small details
I do not see what the whole fuss is about.We are talking about DOW.The model has got as close as it is possible to given the circumstances.
And tbh,not everything that GW does or designs must be taken as a gospel.Sometimes,artistic freedom is required to truly make a model sing. ;)
@Frag_Jacker In other words: The sum of the parts is not equal the whole thing. I hope, you'll understand this. ;)
@Frag_Jacker There are a lot of things. Too many. The head is not visible behind the collar. It can't be in the true Tau-design. Head must be higher then collar. Torso must be more heavy. Waist must be shorter. The apron is more massive. Pelvis too. You did all proportions far from the original of GW. All proportions are incorrect. Incorrect even conceptually from true Tau-design. Head and collar especially. They make hurts me. :( Look again with my marks: sun9-48.userapi.com/c855520/v855520302/d...
@GrOrc I've have indeed used the original artwork to base my model on, however images with perspective are not that helpful when it comes to getting the proportions right. Best is an left/right/top view of a part to get it perfect. The closest I could get were the pictures of the blister parts like these games-workshop.com/resources/catalog/pro... . Yet even then it's hard to nail the position etc. of all parts to be absolutely perfect. I spent almost 1 and 1/2 weeks just to make the model and it's parts as perfect as possible and I still may have missed some proportions here and there. Though at that point it may be close enough, feel free to correct any issues you find
With best regards from me and Danila. Your work is more quality now than in the past. Really-really. But!!! We must always strive for excellence! Sincerely yours, Grumbling Orc.
sun9-41.userapi.com/c857736/v857736184/5... Perhaps you must look on proportion of your work with good criticizm. ;) No offence, just with want to see good work with equivalence to original design from GW.
@Frag_Jacker Good news. Good position. I love freemen.
Credits? I always write credits in my readme-files and official sites. Look on TWM-sites on ModDB and Warforge. Gratitudes there present always. If you need help with export to DoW, OE-code for this model and gameplay realisation, I can make it. I make such work good.
@GrOrc My work has always been free to use by anyone with proper credit, so go ahead. Mind you, this model download is only the base mesh. You either have to do the rigging an animating yourself, or wait for the release of the finished version in UA and adapt from there.
Great work. Good quality. Do you want to see it in the Titanium Wars Mod? ;) This good work welcome there.
@3danil Yes and Yes ^^