Terrakotta Pilaster Schloss Neuburg Inn by M.B.3D Model
Studentsiche Arbeit im Rahmen der wiss. Übung ‘Kulturgut in 3D’ im WiSe 2017 / 18 am Lehrstuhl Digital Humanities der Universität Passau Kursbegleitender Blog: https://wp.uni-passau.de/kulturgut3d/
Original piece of the historic wall-decoration - system of the three main rooms on ground level in Schloss Neuburg at the river Inn close to Passau. Made of terracotta, dating aprox. 1531. Following the so called sala terrena - tradition, the function of these rooms and the decoration-system applied within are an early example of renaissance-style north of the alps. https://wasistlos-magazin.badfuessing-erleben.de/wasistlos-bad-fussing-magazin-marz-2018/59872157/31 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXElYnglVf0 http://www.passauer-land.de/en/neuburg-inn-castle/
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