Triangles: 1.6M
Vertices: 803.3k
More model informationA student’s mathematical exercise tablet showing work for determining the area of a circle. Old Baylonian period.
Collection label reads “The formula used is A = c² / 4π. The value of π used is 3, an approximation familiar from other texts including the Bible.”
Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale Babylonian Collection, Catalog No. BC.021367 (Original Catalog No. YBC 7302)
Scanned and processed by Yale Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Digital Imaging Specialist Chelsea Alene Graham using Artec Space Spider and Artec Studio Professional in 2017. Geometry uploaded at 0.15 mm resolution.
CC Attribution-NonCommercialCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
Sep 4th 2018
Many many thanks IPCH Digitization Lab.!
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