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The primary movers of this exercise remain the glutes, hamstrings and quads. All of which play a pivitol role in lifting the bar from the floor to a standing upright position. Although the deadlift exercise can train most other muscles through strong isometric contractions it is best used to overload the posterior chain in terms of training progressions.
Other tips:
1.It’s important to keep a neutral spine through the entire movement. In the starting position it helps to imagine you are trying to hold a piece of paper in your hip crease. This can encourage a straight lumbar spine in someone with particulalry tight hamstrings.
Keeping your Upper back “tight” by contracting the lats will mitigate any lateral flexion of the spine. That is tilting left or right with the upper back during the movement.
You should apply gradual tension to the bar to begin the lift. There should be no ‘tugging’ or ‘jerky’ motion to begin the lift
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@nadeemsaifi1234n Hello,
I can sell you this model in .Blend file type or FBX with a more simplified mesh. No sekeltons or muscles attached. You should be able to use the motion capture from there.
Cost About $10 Per Exercise Model