The eagle finder (1890), Joseph Lambeaux (1852-1908). Dimensions: 236.5 x 144 x 114.5. Royal Museum of Fine Art of Belgium (Brussels, Belgium). Made with CapturingReality.
.He was part of a group of young artists, the “Van Beers clique”, led by Jan van Beers. This group included the artists Piet Verhaert (1852–1908) and Alexander Struys (1852–1941). They were well known for their mischievous and eccentric behaviour, including walking around Antwerp dressed in historic costumes. Other notable works include his Brabo fountain in Antwerp (1886), Robbing the Eagles Eyrie (1890), Drunkenness (1893), The Triumph of Woman, The Bitten Faun (which created a great stir at the Exposition Universelle at Liege in 1905), and The Human Passions, a colossal marble bas-relief, elaborated from a sketch exhibited in 1889.
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