The ruins of Great Zimbabwe are what is left of the capital of the “Zimbabwe Kingdom” which ruled the region from the 11th to the 15th century. The principal remains of this iron age period of Zimbabwe history are the dry stone structures of the so-called “Great Enclosure” and “Hill complex”.
The ruins spans over some 7 square kilometres and could have housed up to 18 000 people. Great Zimbabwe was discovered by European travelers in the 19th century. The Great Zimbabwe National Monument is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The Zamani Project team spatially documented the Great Enclosure and the Hill complex in 2007 and in 2017.
Drone imagery was kindly provided by Daniel Löwenborg and Ezekia Mtetwa.
Created in RealityCapture by Capturing Reality from 1843 images (Drone, laser scan and DSLR images).