The quasi-linear nearby Universe3D Model
Quasi-linear construction of the density field of the Cosmicflows-2 catalog of peculiar velocities. Six levels of density are shown as isosurfaces of different colors, with density=1.3 in grey, and density= 1.7, 2.0, 2.3, 2.7, 3.0 in nuances of red. The central signpost located at the origin of Supergalactic Coordinate System has 50 Mpc/h-long arrows pointing to the SGX (red), SGY (green), SGZ (blue) directions. The box extends from -80 Mpc/h to +80 Mpc/h on all three directions. Annotations indicate major overdensities; selecting annotations from a list will take the observer to predefined stations. The observer can freely explore the scene by mouse control (left-click and drag for rotations, right-click and drag for translation, wheel-roll for zoom in and out) or by the following actions on touchscreens: one finger drag for rotation, pinch for zoom in and out, two fingers drag for translations. Center of rotation can be modified by double-clicking on any point.
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