TIE Advanced x1 (Vader's TIE) - Star Wars3D Model
In designing the starfighters of its TIE line, Sienar Fleet Systems drew heavily on the designs of Kuat Systems Engineering ships such as the V-wing and Eta-2 interceptor. Sienar also experimented with advanced models featuring localized improvements and secret technological breakthroughs, including the TIE Advanced v1 prototype, based on Sienar’s Scimitar Star Courier. This prototype led to the TIE Advanced x1, which boasted a hyperdrive and deflector shield generator. A modified early prototype of the Advanced x1 line was flown by Darth Vader himself. Vader’s fighter boasted greater speed and heavier firepower, featuring fixed-mounted twin blaster cannons and a cluster missile launcher. Vader specified a custom cockpit to accommodate his armored suit, and high-performance solar cells were fitted into the fighter’s curved wings.
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This model is now available to download for free! Happy May 4th!