The dolmen is located under Kokai cliffs (Kokai group of monuments), Mezetsu range, Tuapse region, Caucasus, Russia, Middle Bronze Age (4000-2000 BC), Dolmen Culture of Caucasus.
Sepulcher chamber is carved out of large block of stone. Trapezoidal in shape chamber is sealed with a flat capstone. This construction imitate plan and elements of the plinth type of stone slabs. The distinctive element of this version is its access hole placed on side wall. So, the largest wall of that construction is the side of false portal. Another unique element is protruding shelf on rare side of this chamber. The third strange element is the box-shaped roof inside camera.
Дольмен расположен под скалами Кокай, хребет Мезецу, Туапсинский район. Относится к типу ложнопортальных корытообразных сооружений с отверстием в боковой стене. Особенности: на задней стене камеры выступающая полка, ребро жесткости коробчатого сечения в основании перекрытия.
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