Triangles: 23.2k
Vertices: 12.8k
More model informationOkay so I love The DShK HMG so I made it into a twin fed Soviet monster one could wear on their back as it flips up behind them. Kinda know it wouldn’t work for real without an exo skeleton suit to support it but once you did you’d be a walking gun emplacement. I found the original gun model parts which I worked off of here so If its missing textures just use the ones there as thats what I used. [Note] I didn’t bone rig or fix it up for game use because I’m not that good but feel free to do so if you want to use it for gmod or something.
Be sure to comment, question, or just share your: (opinion of the model, the concept, or Ideas you have for it.)
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Oct 18th 2020