Ušabti Đehuti-her-mektuefa precizne izrade s dugim tekstom u 8 redaka iz Novog kraljevstva. Stopala i postolje nedostaju. Obojen: vlasulja tamna, tijelo bijele boje, alatke i lice crvenkaste boje. Hijeratski tekst crne boje, a redci razdvojeni tankom crvenom crtom.
vapnenac vis. 23,5 cm inv. br. 286 Novo kraljevstvo (1550. – 1069. pr. Kr.)
A shabti of Djehuti-her-mektuef of precise workmanship with a long text in 8 lines dated to the New Kingdom. The feet and pedestal are missing. Painted: the wig dark, the body white, and the tools and face reddish. The hieratic text was painted in black and the rows were separated by a thin red line.
Limestone Height: 23.5 cm Inv. no. 286 New Kingdom (1550 – 1069 BC)
Bibliography: J. Monnet Saleh, Les Antiquités Égyptiennes de Zagreb. Paris 1970, no. 601, p. 132. I. Uranić, Aegyptiaca Zagrabiensia. Musei Archaeolgici Catalogi et Monographiae vo. IV. 207, pp 141-142