USS NOMAD The Creator spaceship military base3D Model
UPDATE October 2024 Fly2 imported this model into Microsoft Flight Simulator >
Crowboy copied this model for the Inktober 2024 art contest >
USS NOMAD as seen in “The Creator” movie
N orth American
O rbital
M obile
A erospace
D efense
(Defence is the British spelling)
One of the coolest things I have ever seen, this massive spaceship? missile launcher? space base? wanders over one specific part of its home planet hunting for (SPOILERS) with its glowing blue laser
Made to match the final on screen version (nearly symmetrical)
Not the concept art or the horribly PhotoShopped IMAX poster with the lasers the wrong way round!
Promotional images made it look like the entire ammo ring lights up. In the movie it’s only the chin? legs? laser pointer? that lights up
Fully UV mapped with poly groups No rigging
Download includes NOMAD model with 3 textures and a flat plane for the laser
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Hey could I please get the Sentinel Prime model
The normals are all messed up for me. What software did you do this in?
@92Chatos Hello Chatos, I found your video on YouTube last night :D
It's always awesome to see other people enjoying my models, I hope you have fun with this one
Thank you for this mod! I imported it into Microsoft Flight Simulator and included the link to your 3D model.
can you make the ear machine from creator movie
@Brady.Radtke There are 3 websites with my models on them
Sketch Fab
Other websites are re-uploads, sometimes people import my models into video games and fan films
@razzie_mbessai ok. have u made any other models if so where are they?
@Brady.Radtke Yes, that is my deviantART account
Unfortunately I had to go inactive on that site
@razzie_mbessai is this you
Comment by aitanathompson0 deleted because it was full of scam links to gambling websites