Francisco de Castro’s palace at Vila Itororó, São Paulo. It was build between 1917 and 1923 to be the centerpiece of the village and accomodate its owner. The architecture appropriates elements from different styles and epochs. It is said that some of the ornaments were salvaged from the São José Theatre after it was destroyed in a fire. The palace was turned into a collective tenement at some point after Francisco’s passing, in 1932. The shared occupation made it into an even more dynamic patchwork. Here it is seen in a third stage of its life, as a public cultural equipment, simultaneously modernist ruin and construction site, during a renovation process overseen by the Pedra Institute.
Volumetric capture made during the Goethe na Vila residency. Production by Goethe Institute and Ventania. Production assistance by Francesca Tedeschi. Drone operation by Martim Passos.
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