Another of the cluster of prehistoric carvings found in an area 200 metres S of White Wells, on Rombalds Moor, West Yorkshire.
This particular carving was referenced IAG 264 in Boughey & Vickerman’s 2003 publication ‘Prehistoric Rock Art of the West Riding’ and described as:
‘Small rock of smooth grit. Three clear cups with faint grooves and perhaps traces of rings.’
The CSI: Rombalds Moor project subsequently recorded the carving as ‘White Wells 06’ on ERA, noting just three cups.
Historic England listing:
On this model, there is some semblance of partial rings and grooves noted by Boughey & Vickerman. However, the rings could be use of light and natural features.
This decimated model was created from a stereo pair captured by Peter Butler in August 2012. The imagery forms part of the HLF funded CSI: Rombalds Moor / Watershed Landscape Project archive.
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