The William Elgin sunk on May 21, 1818 and was originally discovered by Tim Shippee and his 13 year old daughter Ariel on September 1, 1997. Shippee and Dennis Gerber later attempted to gather some photographs of the site with a drop camera but were unsuccessful. It wasn’t until nine years later in the summer of 2006 when they were finally able to identify the site, thanks to Dan Scoville and Jim Kennard. Scoville was eager to test an undrwater ROV on a deep site that he and the students from the Rochester Institute of Technology had just developed. They were able to gather the first images of the site.
Tim Caza and Gerber returned to the site 14 years later on September 9, 2020 to test their ROV capabilities. The ROV dive was a total success with some great images gathered and more information learned about the wreck. The wreck is in remarkably great shape and the only damage is that the mast has fallen over to the port side of the schooner. For more shipwreck discoveries go to