WMID-F17424 - Post Medieval Unidentified object3D Model
WMID-F17424 - Post Medieval Unidentified object
Triangles: 132.7k
Vertices: 66.3k
More model informationAn incomplete lead object of Post Medieval date (c. 18th to 19th centuries AD).
The object is broadly T-shape in plan and rectangular in cross-section. The main body starts at a worn flat break (15.7mm in width) and then flares outwards at the top of the sides into short and curved protruding arms (19.9mm in length). At the apex is a broadly triangular protrusion. The front and back of the object are decorated with a moulded vertical rib at the centre and then repeated leaf decoration on both sides of the rib. At the bottom of the arms is a lipped groove.
For more information, please visit the online database record available at: https://finds.org.uk/database/artefacts/record/id/1127176
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Sep 21st 2023
- postmed
- findsorguk
- staffordshire
- postmedieval
- post-medieval
- unidentified
- metal-detactorist
- metaldetektor
- metal-detector
- metal-detecting
- metal-detecting-find
- metal_detector
- metaldetector
- metal-detected-find
- metaldetecting
- portableantiquitiesscheme
- lead-alloy
- metal-detector-find
- leadalloy
- recordyourfinds
- responsibledetecting
Suggested 3D Models