Triangles: 9.4k
Vertices: 4.8k
More model informationAll of my spoilers i made free hand Zedge is a Non Existent Spoiler and Car Kits Brand i thinked of in my childhood, but it may become existent soon (name of spoilers left to right in order) ZZ Attack Spoiler MK2 (first one was utter wack) ZZ Flayer Wing ZZ Gladiator Spoiler V2 (same reason as the Attack spoiler, but worst) ZZ Aero Wing ZZ Victory spoiler
I made some variants Vicotry Spoiler but i did’nt include them GladiatorV2 and Victory are only the ones i let accessible to the public RiceBurner Server, the are rest i made it only for ScuderionGP members, it’s a Community Racing team that i’m in