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Warsaw, Poland

archaeology documentation, archaeological objects

Krukowski Gvardzilas cave artifacts 3D Models


The position of Gvardzilas-Glde was discovered by the prominent Polish prehistoric Stefan Krukowski, who in 1916-1917 on behalf of the Caucasian Museum of Material History in Tiflis conducted archaeological reconnaissance in the vicinity of Rgani and Chiatury in the Imereti region (Central Georgia). During the excavations in 1917 and 1953, a rich collection of monuments was acquired, including a total of 26,000 stone and bone objects, including ornaments and unique examples of Paleolithic art. Currently, all of these materials are in the collection of the archaeology department of the Georgian National Museum in Tbilisi.

A structured light scanner - Smarttech Surface equipped with a 10 Mpx matrix and measuring 30 microns - was used for three-dimensional documentation of selected objects by 3D Scanners Lab Marta Bura.

Conducting research/documentation/ measurements was possible thanks to the support of the Polish National Foundation.