Avatar of DaVideoTape
Portland, OR

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SPACENESS_EncounterZ 3D Models


EncounterZ, 2018-19

"In response to strange signals being received at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico in May of 2017 and recent revelations referenced by Blink-192 pop-punk sensation Tom DeLonge, NW immersive media artist DaVideo Tape will draw upon their lifelong research for “Truth” in order to manifest “EncounterZ”, a multi-station semi-outdoor augmented reality/ virtual reality and video art installation. In the process of making this work, Structure Sensor 3D scanning technology by Occipital (structure.io) will be utilized to bring elements from SPACENESS and surrounding area into virtual space. DaVideo’s process of navigating this new terrain for creating mixed-reality simulations utilizing the Unity3D pipeline will be documented along the way. Successes and failures, as well as the attendee festival users themselves, will be documented and invariably become entwined within a reverberating hypermediated array of video feedback loops."

For More Info: spaceness.com/ARTIST-ROSTER-2018