Medieval decorated bowl 3D Models


While at first glance this bowl may not appear to be the most visually striking; you should never judge a book by its cover…

In 1973, on Upper Bugle Street, archaeologists were excavating a disused well. When such features are filled, we find evidence that can tell us about the daily life of the people who lived there. This might be broken pottery or discarded animal bones. Surprisingly, within this well along with the usual rubbish people threw away, were two broken 12th century bowls. One was stacked on top of the other.

During conservation it was discovered that the top bowl was intricately decorated. The engraving was so fine that it is hard to pick out with the naked eye. This makes it a very challenging object to display as it is hard for visitors to see exactly what makes it so special.

Using a mix of modern technology and good old-fashioned line drawing we can view this object in a new light.