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Reading, UK

Presenting fieldwork projects from the School of Archaeology, Geography and Environmental Science (SAGES) at the University of Reading.

Hardwick Estate Sounding House 3D Models


Located in the woods behind Hardwick House, Whitchurch on Thames. 51.497743, -1.056601

This site is colloquially known as The Bear Pit. It is most likely a quarry (flint and chalk for the construction of local buildings), and the cave-like recess a lime kiln or ice house. In the Victorian period it was augmented with flint arches, and walls to become a folly, Sounding House,

and/or performance space. Some archaeological investigations were undertaken by SOAG in 1970, 1974 and 1987, which recorded it to be much more intact. Memories of local people recall the brick arched entrance to be about 6 feet tall and the entrance to the cave, which lies behind it and has filled in by erosion and possibly the aforementioned excavations. The cave shows signs of collapse but has an well constructed chalk arched roof which is now only about 1.5 metres from the current floor surface (infill). The inside of the cave is too dangerous to venture in. Restoration and preservation is the ultimate goal. N.b. Models rudimentary.