Avatar of Aurélien Zafra
Saint-Fargeau-Ponthierry, France

FEVER 3D Models


Assets I made with Maya and Photoshop for the Unreal Engine 4 graduation video game FEVER.

Concepts by Marine COIFFARD and me... a little.

FEVER is an Hover-Car Racing for 1 and 4 players! Shake off your opponents or push them off the track to win. But be careful, each lap the obstacles and bonuses on the track are positioned randomly!

Producer : Anthony FASSIN

Game Design : Julien CAPELLE

Lead Game Art : Marine COIFFARD, Aurélien ZAFRA

Game Art : Morgane BELFORT, Maxime QUISSAC

Game Programming : Kenny ALVES de SOUSA, Adam KIBOUH, Jonathan Lecavelier

Game Design & Programming : Nasim BOUGUERRA

Music & Sound Design : Louis FABRE