Art Spotlight: Van Gogh Room

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In Art Spotlight, we invite Sketchfab artists to talk about one of their designs.

Hi! My name is Ruslan. I am from Israel and make my living freelancing as a 3d artist. Most of my work is making 3d animation for corporate movies or TV advertisements. But I also run a small personal project which is the development of 3d live wallpapers for Android devices. The “Van Gogh Room” scene was created for one of those apps I developed in last two years and today I will describe some interesting spots while making it.


Live wallpaper runs as a background on the screen of the cellphone and allows user some level of customization. It also produces a cool parallax effect while scrolling through desktop screens of the device. It should be well optimized in order not to slow down the system, so usually my polygon budget is extremely low, about 10K triangles. For the reference I had the only one, but great painting of Van gogh “Bedroom in Arles”.


Despite the impressionist style the details are pretty clear, so modelling was an easy part.


My goal was to make the room as realistic as possible, so textures and lighting play an important role.


The next step was to create several texture options for most of the scenario objects, so in the final app the user will have an ability to choose which one he prefers.


This way the variety of designs of the room can be close to infinite. Here are some examples:


The light scheme can also be adapted to the taste of the user.


After some programming (which is the boring part, so I will not get into details here) the app was finished and published on Google Play. I think it does pretty well there for small project of lone developer.

I hope you enjoyed that small making of “Van gogh Room”, as did I while working on it. You can see my app in action here:

You can check the real thing on the Google Play store.

And heres the Sketchfab 3D Model:

Thanks for reading this, have a great day!

Thanks Ruslan!

Ruslan has an amazing collection of work on his Sketchfab Portfolio. Have a look!


About the author

Bart Veldhuizen

Community Lead at Sketchfab. 3D Scanning enthusiast and Blenderhead.

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