The great thing with Sketchfab is that if you want to display 3D models in real-time on your own website, you can! You can embed our 3D viewer on any web page, and it is really easy. All you have to do is go to the model page, click on the embed button, grab the iframe code, and paste it into the html of your page.
Here is a little demo of our embedded viewer. The loading can take a little while as it is a very detailed model. You can play with it and interact with your mouse to turn, zoom, rotate.
Just copy the html embed code you see in the viewer and paste it in any web page to display your 3D models online without a plugin. For example the code for this model is:
< iframe border=“0” height=“500” width=“700” border=“0” src=“”></iframe>
On Facebook
If you want to embed your model on Facebook, like we did on Sketchfab facebook page, you’ll need to install an app enabling iframes.
On WordPress
If you want to embed the viewer on WordPress, you’ll need our WordPress plugin.