Avatar of California Academy of Sciences
San Francisco, California

Exploring, explaining, and sustaining life since 1853.

Invertebrates: Sea stars / starfish 3D Models


The Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Geology is home to some 2.5 million specimens including corals, diatoms, minerals, fossils, and more. It encompasses an enormous range of specimens and strengths, as well as a robust staff of curators, researchers, collection managers, and students.

Through field and lab work, multi-disciplinary expeditions, and scientific publications, IZG scientists rigorously advance knowledge in their areas of expertise—from octocorals and opisthobranchs to echinoderms and paleoecology.

Learn more about the Academy’s IZG department at bit.ly/2n3Y0J3.

Note: IZG specimens have been divided into several informal sub-collections to make them more accessible.