Lexington ky

Unmanned Aerial Media Services

Website 3D Models


3D models made using the Skydio drone for photogrammetry involve capturing aerial images of a specific area or object using the drone's camera. These images are then processed using specialized software to generate a 3D model of the object or area. The software uses the images to calculate the depth and position of objects in the scene and creates a 3D representation based on that information. The resulting 3D model is highly accurate and detailed, providing a complete view of the object or area from all angles. These models can be used for various purposes, including architectural visualization, topographical mapping, and 3D printing. With the Skydio drone's advanced technology and capabilities, the 3D models produced are high quality and can be used for various applications.

Garage scene 2 3D 3D Model
Available on Store
Secretariat statue 3D 3D Model
Available on Store
Graffiti Storm Drain 3D 3D Model
Available on Store
Goodfellas outdoor patio 3D Model
Available on Store