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Newry Ireland

2D 3D stuff

Kilnasaggart Stone March 2023 3D Models


Kilnasaggart Inscribed Stone stands on the ancient road which ran from Tara in County Meath and through the Moyry Pass to Dunseverick Head (Sighe Midhlachra). It has a total of 13 crosses on its faces and the inscription “This place, bequeathed by Temoc, son of Ceran Bic, under the patronage of Peter, the Apostle.” Temoc died around 714. Standing at 2.8 metres high the Kilnasaggart pillar stone is probably the oldest dateable stone monument in Ireland. It stands at the edge of a graveyard that was excavated in the 1960s, these excavations revealed both stone built and dug graves. There are several small stones lying around the standing stone and some of these stones bear crosses. sources: megalithicireland.com/Kilnasaggart.htm