Primordial Aquatic Reptiles 3D Models


This collection comprises whole models and fossil scans of aquatic reptile species present in museums around the world hailing mainly from the Mezesoic and Cretaceous periods. The reptiles included in this collection are comparatively larger than the average size of current aquatic life on Earth. These creatures, due to their size, power, and versatility are strong representations of what life looked like during their respective periods and the colloquially known ‘Age of the Dinosaurs’. Some of these beings and other marine species from similar times have modern-day descendants or representations including sea turtles and snakes, marine iguanas, and crocodiles.

These fossils can provide insights into the distribution of ancient oceans and their characteristics such as temperature, salinity, and chemistry. Additionally, these creatures’ fossils help build our understanding of the evolution of life on Earth and help us understand the ecological roles of large aquatic predators.