Avatar of Miguelangelo Rosario
Berlin, Germany

VR Art & VR Cyberdelics

MOVA 2 Museum of Virtual Art 3D Models



Creating art since more than 30 years, many different styles and medias have been my companion on the way to solve countless creative tasks.

Art always demands to adapt to new tech and build up new skills. 3D and Virtual Reality are a growing part of my visual universe.

For the MOVA i have selected images derived from my VR 3D animations.

The series is called: VR Cyberdelics. Virtual psychedelics in Cyberspace.

These interactive 3D animations can be explored in VR via internet and VR device.

Is the VR headset the LSD of the future ?

“Turn on, boot up, jack in”– Timothy Leary

more VR Cyberdelics @ mr-cyberdelics.club