70. Colorful Mosaic Perfume Flask3D Model
Description: Thick-walled vessel has a flattened rim, narrow cylindrical neck and a larger cylindrical body with a rounded bottom. The vessel cannot stand. Rim is uneven in depth and it is out-of-round.
Date: 4th – 3rd century BC
Measurements (cm): H: 9.2 W: 2.2 – 2.5
Fossing, Paul. 1940. Glass Vessels Before Glass Blowing. Pp. 108, Fig. 79.
Harden, Donald B. 1981. Catalogue of Greek and Roman glass in the British Museum: Core-and rod-formed vessels and pendants and Mycenaean cast objects. See also Pp. 109, no. 285. See also pl. XVI, no 285.
Murray, Alexander S. et al. 1900. Excavations in Cyprus (Bequest of Miss E. T. Turner to the British Museum). Pp. 122.
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