Anterior Skull Section with tumor removed.3D Model
Anterior Skull Section with tumor removed.
Triangles: 736.8k
Vertices: 358.2k
More model informationThis was based off a GE CT scan at .4mm slices. The scan was taken four hours after the surgery was completed. The procedure was minimally invasive procedure that removed the upper orbital roof and the 3.5mm tumor above it.
The 3D model was created by using 3D Slicer to derive the final mesh further cleaned and made printable by Netfabb.
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
May 31st 2014
Love 3D
Anterior Skull Section with tumor removed. by slo 3D creators is licensed under CC Attribution
@james214 I don't know if there is any misunderstanding, just wondering what "step-building this prototype" means. I know this model is floating out there in Chinese medical schools and Ultimaker has this exact same model that they used to create skull to put on display in their trade-show exhibit, so it is quite possible you did have access to it, I am just curious on the term "step-building." I have also made the model downloadable now, so others may print it or use it for anatomy study. The procedure for doing this resection by performed by Dr. Paul Gardner at UPMC of the top orbital roof was quite amazing.
@mebalzer Sorry for the misunderstanding.
@james214 Curious on what you mean by "step-building this prototype?" This isn't a prototype, and as mentioned in the description, this was derived from the CT scan DICOM images using 3D Slicer. I have cleaned this model up as you can see in our TEDx talk and several images of my wife posing with that 3D printed skull for Make Media, AP, and several online media journals.
I do remember step-building this prototype.
we also create stuff like this
@gdp Please contact me at Thanks
I hope it won't bother you. I'm a postgraduate student from china, we are doing some research on 3D mesh to assessment the quality of the models based on based on 3D mesh. Now we urgently need some models of high definition. If you can share your high definition models with us. We would be grateful.
Love it!
Would you be interested in connecting for a brief interview about this? It would be great to share this via @3DQWERTY (twitter) or @3DGEOM on! You can send me a DM there or connect via Twitter. You can contact me and I can send some more information ! Interviews are generally from 30 - 45 minutes
This is a great way to explain to people the value of DICOM scan analysis at home with InVesalius!
Thank you @formanosque, however I can only take small amount of the credit. The models and volume renders were used by us to understand the size and complexity. For her surgeons, it was a tool they could use to discuss the surgery with interns and the surgical team. They were not used in surgery. My hope was to hopefully offer something new to the table and I succeeded. However, as Dr. Garner had said to me, "the resolution of the scanning process (and tangible models) just are not there yet for their type of surgical procedure." However he does see this as a great tool for discussion and training.
C'est beau de se dire que la 3D peut sauver des vies !! bravo et vive l'amour.