Triangles: 384.4k
Vertices: 192.4k
More model informationBoy with Pommegrenat, marble, Rome, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (Copenhagen, Denmark). Made with Memento Beta.
Children carry fruits and water, symbols of fertility, the cycle of life and the propagation of the family. The dozing Eros, holding and inverted torch, gradually becomes a spirit of death, symbolizing hopes of a new awakening.
CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlikeCC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
Feb 4th 2016
Thank you Geoffrey! It will be a bit of time before the demo. And yes, for the Bust of Tissot model I decimated that heavily.
This look pretty impressive. I hope you will release a demo soon :). However, you really need to decimate the mesh. With 400.000 polys each, my 3D scan will kill the graphic card ;)
Here is my Facebook page - it is the most up to date. I plan on making a mansion, and some of your models will come in handy to create the low poly meshes.
Dear neverfollow81, you are allow to use them for commercial use as long you give proper credit. So please do so :). Do you have a website about your project? I like to keep track of all the projects I am involved in :).
Another great scan! Thanks so much again for allowing us to download them. By the way, are we allowed to use these for commercial purposes (in my case for a videogame) granted we give proper credit?
you are very welcome.
I don't read Chinese either, but most probably it means "Another of your magnificent scans! Thank you very much!"
Thanks a lot but I do not read Chinese sorry.