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Lviv, Ukraine

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Housing complex at 47-59 Doroshenka Street 3D Models


This collection contains scans of the housing complex at 47-59 Doroshenka St. in Lviv, Ukraine. It is an exemplary upper-middle-class apartment block, built in 1937-39 by Salomon Keil, Jakub Menker, Henryk Sandig, Kazimierz Janiczek. It was scanned within the initiative "Saving Objects and Stories of the Modernist Period in Ukraine", led by Myroslava Liakhovych, who runs "Lviv. Architecture of Modernism" in collaboration with ETH Zurich, Kharkiv School of Architecture, Lviv Heritage Bureau, SKEIRON 3D Scanning. Initiative financed by ETH Zurich. Scanning and modelling: Oleksandr Holovashkin, Paulina Marchenko, Georgij Maksymenko, Maria Murai, Maria Haiboniuk, Oleksandr Podolskyj, Anastasia Aniskina, Sofia Holz, (Kharkiv School of Architecture). Maksym Oholiev, Yana Kostiusheva (Skeiron). Read more about the building:https://modernism.lviv-online.com/last-works-of-lviv-jewish-architects-luxury-modernism-at-doroshenka-street/