XCOM 2 Lag fix PC 3D Models


XCOM 2 does not start on pc

What should I do if the game does not run on the PC?

What should I do if the game slows Xcom 2?

For starters check the minimum system requirements Xcom 2:

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.6GHz, AMD Phenom X3 8750 or better

RAM: 2 GB;

Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT / TI Radeon HD 2600 XT or better;

If your system is below at least one of the above characteristics, then the "Brake game" due to weak gland - it is recommended to update the weak part in the more advanced.

If your computer runs at the lowest performance, then it is different. Try the following:

1. Update the video card driver.

2. Install a new DirectX.

3. This item is suitable as well, and those who have weak iron. Install Game Accelerator. It optimizes your computer for maximum gaming performance. If you have not noticed the effect, try setting Game Fire. This program is off to the game unnecessary services and processes than reducing CPU load and frees memory.

4. It is also recommend

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