Avatar of Rochester Cathedral
Rochester, United Kingdom

The Virtual Cathedral Project by the Rochester Cathedral Research Guild aids conservation and interpretation of this 1400-year site.

Memorials 3D Models


The nave of Rochester Cathedral features a large collection of civilian and military memorials from the 17th to the 19th centuries, including a memorial to Dame Anne Henniker d.1792 featuring statues cast in Coade Stone, A C17th mural memorial to William Streaton moved to the exterior of the chapel is the earliest in the cathedral. This stoneware was developed by notable early British businesswoman Eleanor Coade (1733-1821). The North Quire Aisle features a small collection of colonial-era and World War I memorials. The wide South Quire Aisle is used by the choir to line up for services. A small collection of memorials on the north wall are to members of cathedral staff and choristers from the late C19th and early C20th. A C17th memorial to Augustin Caesar was moved to this aisle sometime in the C20th. The interior of the Lady Chapel contains a collection of World War I and II memorials, including to former students of the King’s School, Rochester.

Bibliography: rochestercathedralresearchguild.org/bib