First cervical vertebra (Atlas) is an ATYPICAL cervical vertebra. The identification features of the first cervical vertebra are * Absance of body (Body of the first cervical vertebra is fused with the body of the second cervical vertebra in form of dens) * Spinous process is absent: The spinous process is replaced by the posterio tubercle * Ring shaped vertebra * Superior articualr facets are large oval and concave: The superior articualr facet of the first cervical vertebra articulate witht the occipital condyles and form lateral atlanto-occipital joint. * Transverse process is large with presance of foramina transversia (Vertebral artery passes through the foramina transversia) Anterior surface of the dens articualtes with the posterior surface of the anterior artch (10) (fovea dentis) and forms the median atlanto-axial joint.