This is exactly what I'm looking for in an indie project me and a group of friends are developing. We're getting very close to playable, but many small assets are still needed and it can be very time consuming I'm sure you know. .Your model is free but I'd be happy to pay for the rights to use it, as well as fully crediting your work. Please send response to if interested.
@acimaz90 Ah I had no idea that sketchfab changed the format to some obscurely specific "sketchfab only" thing. Sorry about that. I'd used the sketchfab exporter for unity, so I guess that's why. Pretty lame, will avoid it in the future.
@GaryDave _where to download and see. please help me.
can anybody use the crystals in their own project? i cant export it :(
This is exactly what I'm looking for in an indie project me and a group of friends are developing. We're getting very close to playable, but many small assets are still needed and it can be very time consuming I'm sure you know. .Your model is free but I'd be happy to pay for the rights to use it, as well as fully crediting your work. Please send response to if interested.
I love you!
@GaryDave @acimaz90 i cant open in gltf type too... has any site to upload and convert?
@acimaz90 Ah I had no idea that sketchfab changed the format to some obscurely specific "sketchfab only" thing. Sorry about that. I'd used the sketchfab exporter for unity, so I guess that's why. Pretty lame, will avoid it in the future.
Alright nevermind, looks like you need a unity plugin (sketchfab for unity) to import this specific type from sketchfab into unity.
Hm i just downloaded the files but cant seem to import them in Unity. Not sure how to use this .gltf file type. Can you convert it to .fbx instead?
can you convert the model? can import an any program?
I created this model for use with a crystal shader tutorial for unity, you can check it out here: