Latinus Stone, Whithorn Priory3D ModelNoAI
Latinus Stone, Whithorn Priory
Triangles: 214.2k
Vertices: 107.1k
More model informationThis is the oldest surviving Christian memorial to have been found in Scotland, dating to the 5th century. Dedicated to Latinus and his daughter, it may have stood in an early Christian cemetery near Whithorn Priory in Dumfries and Galloway.
Latinus is the first Christian in Scotland whose name we know. His stone is clear evidence of a group of Christians in Whithorn as early as 450. This stone was later re-used in the walls of the medieval cathedral. It was rediscovered in 1890.
The Latin insription translates as:
“We praise you, the Lord! Latinus, descendant of Barravados, aged 35, and his daughter, aged 4, made a sign here.”
Discover more about visiting Whithorn Priory by visiting our website.
1570 x 520 x 220mm
WHPEC-01 | Rae Project