Mummified person from Usermontu’s Coffin3D Model
This male mummified person has long been an enigma. He does not display the traditional style of mummification of the time period of the coffin in which he was discovered. A piece of adhered linen from his wrist dates to 400 BCE, but thorough study has revealed he has a style of mummification pointing towards a much earlier era, perhaps as far back as the New Kingdom beginning around 1570 BCE, or maybe slightly later. The discrepancies could be explained by the fact that, when the tombs in the Valley of the Kings were robbed, many mummies were rewrapped and hidden to protect them. The date of origin and familial lineage of this mummy is still under investigation.
Date: Uncertain
3D model created in RealityCapture and Blender from 459 images taken on a Canon 5D Mark III by Joshua Norman.