Wmid-f38848 Late Neo to Early Bronze Age scraper3D Model
Wmid-f38848 Late Neo to Early Bronze Age scraper
Triangles: 69.9k
Vertices: 35k
More model informationA flint thumbnail scraper dating from the late neolithic period to the early bronze age. The shape is largely circular in plan and in section protrudes to a point on the dorsal face. The body of the scraper is largely a light grey colour, with a gradation to dark grey to the left of the ventral face (and right of the dorsal), distal end up. Very little cortex remains and is mostly found on the mesal. The dorsal face shoes long, scaled, semi-abrupt retouching. The ventral side features long ripple marks across its length which emanate from the bulb of percussion.
For more information, please visit the online database record available at: https://finds.org.uk/database/artefacts/record/id/1140955
CC AttributionCreative Commons Attribution
Jul 23rd 2024
- flint
- findsorguk
- scraper
- staffordshire
- thumbnail
- earlybronzeage
- early-bronze-age
- metal-detactorist
- metaldetektor
- metal-detector
- metal-detecting
- metal-detecting-find
- metal_detector
- metaldetector
- lateneolithic
- late-neolithic
- metal-detected-find
- metaldetecting
- portableantiquitiesscheme
- metal-detector-find
- recordyourfinds
- responsibledetecting
- eyesonly
- early_bronze_age
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