Bones of the Giants 3D Models


It’s probably the little boy in me coming out, but I couldn’t help but put together a collection of the fossils of some of the biggest and meanest creatures ever to exist. Among the specimens are the tooth of a Megalodon, the skull of the Paleocene snake Titanoboa, and the full skeletal reconstruction of a Glyptodon. Except for that last specimen, all of the animals in the collection were the apex predators of their times, with the massive T-Rex skeleton being the most iconic example of the group. Even the Glyptodon, however, was a formidable member of its ecosystem; its massive shell resembling that of a modern-day armadillo’s protected the herbivore from would-be attackers. That said, I don’t know how much of a chance the lumbering Glyptodon would stand against predators like the Daeodon, a boar-like beast aptly nicknamed “The Terminator Pig.” The gaping jaws of its skull suggest that this prehistoric hunter more than earned its title.