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Kyiv, Ukraine

Ukrainian team, providing a research of cultural heritage by means of digital methods

save kytayiv 3D Models


Kytayiv archaeological complex is an object that includes a Kyivan Rus hillfort, and a settlement near it, a burial mound, a settlement in the Vynogradne tract, and a cave complex of the modern era.

Now the settlement is under threat of extermination due to the construction. In response to that, the Save Kytayiv team asked for help from the Scientific and Research lab "Archaic".

In cooperation, this catalogue of artefacts was created to increase public interest via using 3D visualization of objects from the Kytaiv archaeological complex.

The artefacts were obtained under the leadership of Hlib Ivakin in 2017 by the Architectural and Archaeological Expedition of the Institute of Archeology of the NAS of Ukraine. They are stored in the Scientific Funds of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.